DocuSign E-signature Workflow Service Buisness Capability and Process Automation

Benefits & Features

DocuSign is an electronic signature, transaction management, and document workflow service.

  • Accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device, the DocuSign Global Network connects organizations to their customers, partners, suppliers, and employees where they transact business in confidence.
  • DocuSign helps decrease transaction cycle times, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction with the easiest, fastest, most secure global network for sending, signing and tracking documents in the cloud.

Getting Started

Do you need to send a document for a signature? Request a no cost Sending License.

Support Center - Answers to commonly asked questions

Learning Portal - Self-paced training and other on-demand resources

Working Collaboratively with DocuSign

  • Shared Envelopes - Users can view and take action on shared envelopes. Team members and delegates can help each other with management tasks, such as sending reminders or correcting recipient information.
  • Signing Groups - Signing groups enable you to send an envelope to a predefined group of recipients and have any one member of the group sign your documents. When you send an envelope to a signing group, anyone in the group can open it and sign it with their own signature.
  • Share Template - Sharing a template allows other users and user groups on your account to access and use it to send documents for signature. As long as you have template share permission on your DocuSign account, you can share any template you created, and you can modify sharing settings for any template shared with you.
  • If you need assistance with the collaborative features send an inquiry detailing your need to through our Service Request form.

Securely working with DocuSign

Please review the DocuSign specific recommendations to identify suspicious emails. Also refer to ITS anti-phishing details for further help.

Join the DocuSign Users Listserv


This service is available to all NU University campuses and departments (UNL, UNK, UNO, and the University of Nebraska System).


If you are having issues with using DocuSign use the service request form.

If you need an account or looking for the "New" button - please request a free license using the service request form.


Support Chat

SAMPLE TEXT- Introduction about what this is; what it is for; what it isn't for; etc.