Guests may request a temporary 14-day account to access the internet while visiting the University of Nebraska. Follow the procedure below to configure your device for wireless (Wi-Fi) access.


  1. Once on campus, select the NU-Guest SSID on your device, the NU-Guest Login portal will open automatically.
  2. On the NU-Guest Login page, log in with an existing guest account or create a new account.
  3. To create a Guest Account, complete the form with your contact information and choose to have a copy of your temporary credentials sent to you by email, text, or both. If you select Text Message or Both, you will need to provide your mobile phone number and select your Mobile Carrier. 
  4. After accepting the terms of use and clicking Register, the NU-Guest Registration Receipt will be sent to your selected destination. The receipt includes your temporary Account Username (your email address) and a unique Guest Password. Make a note of your credentials and return to the NU-Guest Login page.
  5. On the NU-Guest Login page, enter your temporary Guest account credentials to access the NU-Guest network. Your Guest account will be allowed 14 days of internet access, after which you will need to request a new guest password.

Quick Tip

If your device uses a private address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) Randomization, you may need to re-authenticate to the network each time the device connects. To maintain a constant connection, disable this feature for eduroam on Apple and Android devices. Apple support provides Information about managing private addressing.


If your device cannot connect to NU-Guest Wireless after following these instructions, call the campus Help Desk.

  • Kearney - 308-865-8363
  • Lincoln - 402-472-3970
  • Omaha - 402-554-4357

This Guide Applies To: