Learning Management System (LMS) - Canvas - UNK Learning Management

Canvas (by Instructure) is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that is currently used by more than 700 colleges and universities around the world. Canvas is the LMS at all four of the University of Nebraska campuses (UNK, UNL, UNMC, UNO).

Benefits & Features

Canvas provides a set of tools focused on improving teaching and learning through a modern interface, and the ability to extend the platform to outside tools and systems.


All active NU students and faculty. Accounts are automatically created after the first time the user logs in.


There is no charge for this service, which is considered a common-good service. 


Please refer to the responsible use policy




  1. Login to Canvas
  2. Main Menu Bar > Click 'Help' (question mark icon)
  3. Select the type of help you want to use


Need Help? 

Create a Support Ticket

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SAMPLE TEXT- Introduction about what this is; what it is for; what it isn't for; etc.